help-betta has lump on side of body


Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Help me please!!!!!!!!

I just noticed that my betta Elvis, has a lump on the upper side of his body.
right were is belly is.
:eek: :eek:
He flares, eats like a pig and is very active.
At first I thought his whole tummy was swollen/bloated but I see the poop in his cave and its only on the right side.
I thought I was feeding him to much (3 pellets in am 3 in PM) so I cut back but its getting bigger!!!
What should I do? :sad: :-( :(

please advise
god i hate saying could be a tumor or if its lucky its constapation try feeding him peas mashed
First off how long has he had this lump. Secondly mashed peas are I'll advised seeing as how Betta's are carnivores and St. doesn't know a single thing about them. If you wanted to go for the best chance of survival you could start feeding live food (Flightless fruit fly cultures cost 4-7 USD) Other than keeping it happy there is not much you can do for a fish so small if it has a tumor. Some fish live for a very long time with tumors and others don't. Are you by any chance religious, I'm not but a religious person might pray for there little fish.

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I think my beta has the same thing. :( What happened to yours? Is he okay??? :/
Hi Smgiraffe:

Thanks for asking about Elvis:

He still has the lump. I've tried Melafix and nothing.

He is active and eating and pooping ( he is not fat because I'm not overfeeding him) a few pellets a day (2-3) and that's it.

Other than this he is such a happy little guy, very greatful to be out of his little petsmart cup.

He's been like this for weeks now. I don't know what to do. I wonder if I should try an antibiotic ? but what if i'm wrong and he you know...... :byebye:

How's your fish doing? I'm sorry he is in the same state as mine.
I think he is going to die... it has been quite a while now, but it is getting worse. I feel bad, I don't know anything at all about fish. I only joined because I did a search and found your entry about a betta with a lump. :sad: :(

But the lump is growing and now it is so big, it grosses me out. I worry every day that it will be the day he is going to die, and I am going to find him floating. :unsure: I wonder if it hurts him to eat, and I feel guilty when I feed him. I am pretty sure that it hurts to swim because he doesn't do it much anymore, and only the back half of his body can really move. :(

I don't know what to do except wait for him to die!!!!!!! :dunno:

I don't want to say goodbye. :-(

Poor Mino.


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