Help! Betta Fish Looks Like She Is Going To Explode


New Member
Nov 12, 2013
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My female betta fish looks like she is going to explode. I don't overfeed her and since I noticed she was getting bloated I stopped feeding her. Her appetite is normal and she swims normal. It looks like the side of her is bigger than the other. I'm confused and scared. I lost two fish to dropsy before. This looks nothing like it. However, I could be wrong. 


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Unfortunately, at least from the pictures it does look like something has caused her to bloat (dropsey). What are you seeing that makes you think it isn't? Regardless of how your other fish behaved with it, if the scales are "pine cone" like they appear to be, it's dropsey. Am I seeing the picture wrong? Dropsey isn't really a disease as much as a symptom caused by many different diseases or bacterial assaults, so fish won't all exhibit similar signs along the way. Anyway, I'm sure there are posts with suggestions if you want to try treating her, maybe check the Betta topics for specific advice.
I'd certainly say it was dropsy. Sorry, but the scales certainly look like they are pineconing in the 2nd piccy.
I am afraid in this stage it's 95% incurable to me, cause of the damaged organs (kidneys).
I successfully brought a few fish back from this stage, although only one lived to tell the tale past a few months after coming back.  My solution is kinda crazy and not recommended, but what do you have to lose?
Nuke the tank.  Change the water, then...Maracyn, Kanaplex, Sulfadiazole, tea tree, you name it, hit it with max doses all in one shot.  Hit the tank with heavy doses of a quick start solution too...your likely to nuke your biofilter in addition to the infection, got to keep that bacteria and in this case its only going to be found in a bottle.  You have nothing to lose.
If you don't see progress though in a few days, or see a worsening past a day, you know what the right thing to do is?
Edit: Disclaimer: If you read my posts, I have a reputation for relying heavily on meds.  Its your choice to go against the status quo and follow me on this one.  Most intellegent fish keepers would say this is a very, very bad idea.  I don't disagree, but it works for me because good healthy water is just not enough for my luck.

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