HELP! baby betta floating at top of tank.

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Mar 23, 2019
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This is my first time posting here. I've had my female betta for a month now, but the past 3 days she has been sitting (floating) at the top of the tank, in the corner. She will only move if I'm feeding her, and then will go right back to the same spot. She is in a 5.5 gallon tank, heated at 80° and filtered, by herself. I have been testing the water with the api master test kit. The ph, ammonia, nitrite, &nitrates are at the correct levels. I just dont know what's wrong with her. Any suggestions? Please help. I love her and want to help her.this is my first betta.
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

What are you feeding her?
How often are you feeding her?

How often do you do water changes and how much water do you change?
Do you gravel clean the substrate when you do a water change?

What sort of filter do you have?
How often do you clean the filter and how do you clean it?

When you get her to move, does she remain buoyant in the water or does she automatically float back up to the surface?

If you can post a short 20 second video of her swimming, it can help.

The fish might have air in her intestine. This happens when they get a lot of dry food. If you stop feeding her dry food for a week and offer frozen (but defrosted) or live foods, it can help get the air out and she should swim normally afterwards.

If it isn't air, then she might have a swim bladder problem and there is nothing you can do for that.

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