
Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2005
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I've just noticed 2 things that worry me -

1 - around the edges of my filter output, there is something that resembles white mould...what is it, and is it dangerous?

2 - my very pregnant guppy's eyes have gone funny. She's normal in every other way, but the white of her eyes have darkened, and it looks like she only has 2 black circles for eyes.

Water parameters are - Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 0, pH 7.2

I have herd that the eyes get darker when they are about to drop, or is that the frys eyes?

But the filter mold may be plants that died and turned white. That happens to mine all the time.

Sorry if that doesnt help much,

what is the tank size BTW?
I think the black eyes are just a sign of babys are about to be born!
But I have very little expierence with guppys, so I dont know :dunno:

The white stuff, I have seen in my tank. I agree with what wrs said
How often do you change your filter and how do you go about it?
how many gallons does the tank hold and how many?
Have you been using any meds or chemicals on the tank in the last 3 weeks?
The white stuff is probably calcium buildup. All my hob filters have it, thanks to hard water. Unsightly, but harmless.

how long has the tank been running. you have no nitrate reading, what is the nitrate from the tap.
if your tank is less than 6 weeks then maybe the white is bacteria building up and is perfectly normal.
dont know why the guppys eyes have all gone black, maybe shes got fluid building up behind her eyes causing pressure to buid, not 100% on that though.
tolak, i thought maybe calcium build up but i'm not too good with water chemistry, so with the ph being 7.2 i thought the water would be soft?
The reason why asked about meds is that i know for a fact(cos it happened to me once) that mixing certain meds together that shouldn't be can kill filter bacteria, making a white kind of sluge on the filter sponge.
its not on the sponge though but on the filter.
Hiya! Thanks for so many replies - My nitrates are 10 - sorry; typo. It's late!

Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0

As much as I understand pH isn't related to water hardness/softness. All I know is that it's pH7.2, I'm afraid. The tank has been cycled for just over 8 weeks, and I've not used any medications in the past 4-5 weeks. I last did a water change a week today, and have done one since posting the previous note.

The funny thing is, I went on 'livechat' earlier, hoping someone could help. It was suggested that I isolated the pregnant guppy, which I was reluctant to do, as I know she's at least 5 weeks pregnant. So I haven't. Yet. It was also suggested that I gave the filter a clean (which I've done, with tank water). Anyways, the point of this little story is - Whilst I was downstairs cleaning the filter, I noticed that her eyes kept changing. From being solidly black, to being almost normal. And doing so about 1-2 times a minute (on average). That, I found, was pretty peculiar, and may be relevant??

The tank holds 125 litres

I think that's all the additional questions answered!

Can anyone agree with wrs and Ethos?? It's not something I've heard before, but am quite willing to accept if I hear it again!! :look:

Thanks so much for having the time and patience to answer...I hope I solve it soon :)
i have never noticed any of my guppies eyes change when they were heavily gravid, but im not saying its not possible. :dunno: maybe they dilate.
guppys have babies every 4 weeks i think,so she must look like a barrel now. if you want to keep the young then its best to seperate her.
i think that guppy thing is happening to me
her eye is pitch black, im pretty sure shes pregnet, but her eyes arent changeing colors
now that makes me concerened does that meen she is about to have some fry?
yeah she is about to give birth and her eyes are all black, any day now she will give birth

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