Help- apple snails eggs


Fish Fanatic
May 29, 2005
Reaction score
Middlesbrough- Uk
Hi Peeps,

My Apple snails are laying eggs every week above the water in my tank, but then two days later they go and knock the back in the water so the eggs drowned.

If you have bred apple snails or perhaps raised the eggs, how have you done it?

What do you place the egg sack in?

I was advised to mist spray it with water to stop the egg sack drying out.

Any advice here peeps?......

Many Thanks


Ps I have plenty of males and females in different varieties etc- ivory, purple striped, blue, gold- was wondering can they cross breed?
I have the same question. One of my apple snails laid eggs on the lid cover of my hood, and one time when I shut the lid the eggs popped off and fell in the water :eek: . I grabbed them out and put them on a little slotted piece of plastic under the hood. What is the best way to hatch the eggs after they become deattached from their original spot?
You can find some ways to do it from here:
Rainbow Snails - Hatching a clutch. You can also find lots of information searching the website, the best site available.

I myself use the soapdish method mentioned in the first link. Good luck with the clutches :)

And remember, there are possibly hundreds of babies in one clutch. So if you are getting too many clutches, it might be better to put some of them first in the freezer and then throw them to the trash can. Babies need lots of love and care and they are poop machines :D
hi all

ive had bout 5 clutches layed in my tank and 4 wer layed in same area and 1 in a different place

well the one in a different place hatched an has left me with quit a few babys

the other 4 all fell in the water an drowned and it was becuase these eggs got spashed by the air bubble more that the other one did so ive now moved the air pump to another place from wer they lay the eggs an am hopin to get more babys

ive also had to float some eggs on a piece of polystirene before an a couple eggs hatched

well hope this helps abit

i currently breed alot of apple snails, i ahvbe upwards of over 100 of them.

Mine lay their eggs in the hood of my tank, or on the bottom of it, and i leave them their until it looks like it is about to hatch... looks dry looking and begins to get darker. and then take them off and help them out by crackin it a little and swishing it through the water.

i dont put the 'egg sack' called a clutch in anyting. tho some people do, i leave them where my snails put them. i dont mess around with them because i feel if i do something they wont hatch :fun:

yes snails can cross breed, and when they do.. their prolly ownt be any 'new' color variations... just alot of different snail colors in one clutch.


Well they have laid again, in the same place as before.

I am going to leave the eggs their for a few days then remove them ( yuk )
:lol: lol well just to justify ur situation...

i have 8 clutches laid at the top of my tank in the last 2 days
just spray the eggs with a spray bottle once a day i breed hundreds of apple snails a year

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