Help! Any Advice


New Member
Sep 3, 2005
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hi. can anyone help. my female golden twin bar platty has given birth yesterday to at least 20 fry that i saw. she had disappeared the day before hidding under an arch. when she did not reapear i looked for her and discovered her.
She was not able to swim. she is breathing ok and her front fins are working but its almost as if she is paralised in the rest opf her body. she just floats around the tank now and agian she has a slight spurt of movement!! can any one help? Is this anything due to her giving birth as ive not known her have so many before?
Yes it could be due to giving birth, just keep a very close eye on her, good luck.
I had this problem with my original guppy. Does she stay down the bottom on her side most of the time? And then swims really quickly, and then falls back down?
I had this problem with my original guppy. Does she stay down the bottom on her side most of the time? And then swims really quickly, and then falls back down?
she is down at the bottom but it more upside down than on her side. she is using side fins and her tail now and again but she looks like she is floppy :(
Sadly she has a bacterial infection swim bladder, hard to cure once it has progressed sorry.
I had this problem with my original guppy. Does she stay down the bottom on her side most of the time? And then swims really quickly, and then falls back down?
she is down at the bottom but it more upside down than on her side. she is using side fins and her tail now and again but she looks like she is floppy :(

Increase the filtration/oxygen in the tank, do a 30% water change and add a dose of melafix- she is most likely suffering from shock from the birth. Try and get hold of some fresh/frozen high protein foods like daphinia or bloodworms and feed it to her to help give her some energy, and reduce the amount of the time the tank lights are left on a day to help lower her stress levels. Does the tank have any densely planted areas? How many male-to-female ratio do you have with your platies?
I had this problem with my original guppy. Does she stay down the bottom on her side most of the time? And then swims really quickly, and then falls back down?
she is down at the bottom but it more upside down than on her side. she is using side fins and her tail now and again but she looks like she is floppy :(

Increase the filtration/oxygen in the tank, do a 30% water change and add a dose of melafix- she is most likely suffering from shock from the birth. Try and get hold of some fresh/frozen high protein foods like daphinia or bloodworms and feed it to her to help give her some energy, and reduce the amount of the time the tank lights are left on a day to help lower her stress levels. Does the tank have any densely planted areas? How many male-to-female ratio do you have with your platies?
hi. yes it has alot of plants to hide in which she is doing. we did a water change and increased the oxygen. its 1male to 4 females . we have turned the lights off.
sadly she didnt make it. :rip: (custard)

found her on her side at the bottom a while ago. thanks to everyone for the advice.
At least we have 11 babies safe and sound .
Does any one know if this happens alot to new mums or were we just unlucky! :-(
Sorry R.I.P.

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