Help Angel fish

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Feb 9, 2004
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Does anyone have any suggestions

I have an angelfish that keeps hiding away. If I turn the lights off then he comes out from the darkness. He looks fine from the outside.

Can anyone please explain this ?

How long have you had the angel? If you have had him only a short time then this is perfectly normal. Once the fish settles in to the tank it will come out and act the royal fish it is. Just give it a few days to adapt to its new surroundings. HTH :)
i've had him for about 2 months now. He also seems to be gasping for air
The water parameters are fine, There is more than enough air, And All the other fish are just fine.

Can he perhaps have a internal parasite ?
What do I do?

He is getting worse and worse. He has dropsy. I've been treating him with Waterlife OCTOZIN. He doesn't seem to be getting better. He now is only using one of his side fins and his fins are in tatters. What should I do. SHould I euthanise him? or should I just leave him and see what happens?

Is there a problem with Black angel's ? Everyone that I've had sooner or later dies while all the other angels are just fine?
I've now removed him from the main tank and he is all alone. The other fish were bothing him quite a bit.

Lets see what happens now.
how do u know the fish has drospy??? is his scalse sticking out do they look like a pinecone???? What is your ph testing at angels like thiers a little bit low. Just a few questions

Thanks for coming back to me

My PH is 7.8

His entire stomach is bloated and all the scales around his tummy are sticking out. I did some research on the net about his symptons. I would a site which listed a very similar disease which they called Bloated Belly disease....


This disease is the most common among my rearing aquariums. It is characterized by an angelfish with a bloated stomach. In very young fry 4 weeks of age and younger, it can attack and kill the a baby fish within hours. Nala Gram by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals is what I recommend. Nala-gram works the fastest among the medications I have used to treat this disease which also includes Furan and Maracyn II.

I printed this and took it to my LFS. He read this and said that there is no such disease. I then described the symptoms to him and he said this is dropsy.

Do you think that he doesn't have dropsy?

thanks in advance. Ryan
No I dont think it is drospy. Are they anyway you can post a picture of this fish. I think it could be bloat If I were you I would try the Marycn 2 and see if that dont help it.. If it is not helping it then put some regular marycn in with the marycn 2 also. Oh and one more thing the ph is a little hig for a angel they like thiers around 6.5 to 7.0 this could be one thing that is ailing your angel

As of this morning his tummy has gone back to normal. He still isn't doing very well. He is also breathing normally and is moving around the tank (which is hopefully a good sign). His fins are still in bad condition. I just hope that he gets better.


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