Hi, I'm new here, but I need some amediate help. We have started trying out angel fish and have 5 in a 10 gallon tank. We have already lost 4 and need help to save these guys! We have 3 mable angels and two others(not sure which kind). One of the ones, which we don't know what kind it is, has lost its tail fin completly and all of his other fins are standing up, looking spikey. Yesterday we put him in a breeder to seperate him from the others because we don't know if they have been nipping at him and then today, two of the marbles are starting to have the spikey fin thing. They also have a buldge in the stomachs and one has red lines in his eyes. We are completly new at Angels and have been trying to figure this out. Any ideas would be much appreciated and well needed! Please respond ASAP. Oh ya, they like to hang out by the heater a lot.
Also, we also have a 5 gallon tank with 2 remaining guppies, all the rest died (had 7) and the male which has been there all a long is not looking good, his back fin is falling apart and he swims next to the heater a lot. Any advice on that too?
p.s. Other tanks- 2 gallon with baby Tiger Barbs, 29 gallon with 3-4inch tinfoil barbs and 5-1 inch tiger barbs.
Also, we also have a 5 gallon tank with 2 remaining guppies, all the rest died (had 7) and the male which has been there all a long is not looking good, his back fin is falling apart and he swims next to the heater a lot. Any advice on that too?
p.s. Other tanks- 2 gallon with baby Tiger Barbs, 29 gallon with 3-4inch tinfoil barbs and 5-1 inch tiger barbs.