Help - Algae Won't Scrape Off!


May 24, 2005
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Western Washington
Can someone suggest something to get the algae off my glass tank. I tried a foam type scraper and a somewhat harsher scraper, both of which have always worked for me in the past but suddenly they don't make a dent in this algae. I don't know why, it's green and "speckly". Right now I don't have a lot in that tank (29g) because I haven't restocked since losing everything to Ich (and other stuff). I have one male betta (who I moved in after all illness was gone) and one pygmy cory (the sole survivor) in there. Just stating that because I'm not sure if it would affect how fast the algae would grow. I'm wondering about that too.
Darn, I was afraid that was going to be the suggested solution. Maybe I'll add it to the honey-do list, my big belly can hardly get close enough to feed these days. :) Thanks for the responses, I'll give it a try.
The old razor blades will probably work, but they are small and of course very sharp. I tend to wrap one side up in masking tape so you can handle them safely.

Another option is to use craft knife blades - you can buy the snap off type refills and use those - they are quite a bit longer so will do the job quicker.
In the UK you can buy paint scraper handles which accept craft knife blades (originally made by Stanley I think) from DIY / Hardware stores which may mean you dont have to ask hubby!

Just be careful of the silicone at the corners with those sharp blades !
i use one of those green scrubby things that you use for washing up worked really well for me
What green scrubby things? I'm not sure I know what you mean. :)

I went out and bought a new scrapper today since the one I have is so old. I was hoping that a new one would work a little better but it still doesn't work. Have asked my hubby to give me a hand using a plastic card of some sort.

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