Help! Advice Please! Any Suggestions Welcome!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 6, 2008
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I have mainly guppies, most which are fry, with a barb and a molly fry. Now the 'adults' of the tank keep passing away (over a space of time) but last night one of the adult guppies started acting weird, she was hiding in the rock and looked like she was dead except for the slight fin movement, the position of her body was really weird aswel, at an angle tail fin kind of upwards. I have found her dead but now the other adult guppy isnt looking good either, shes kind of droopy but is able to move. (i have added a revitiliser tonic to see if that will help).

There are no obvious signs of illness/disease (e.g. ich) and i cant see no other symptoms than mentioned. When the adult mollies passed (one-by-one, over a large space of time) i could only assume it was an internal bacterial infection or something because they would be fine and then id see their bodies.

I just cant get my head around it because even if it was a disease then why havent any of the fry gone??? and it cant be the water condition as i do regular changes and maintain the tank and if there was a problem then again, the fry would most likely be the first ones to die.....

Help me out please! I have had the tank for over 2 years, have had problems along the way but have been fine for a long time now, i just dont understand. Please Advise!!

Many Thanks
Size of tank please, water stats also for ammonia, nitrIte, ph, nitrAte? Which fish and how many of each.

The fish that are dying were they some of the original fish or new ones that are being added?
Size of tank please, water stats also for ammonia, nitrIte, ph, nitrAte? Which fish and how many of each.

The fish that are dying were they some of the original fish or new ones that are being added?

Thanks for your response!!

Its a hexagon ~15gal tank. had it for over 2years, unfortunately the fish in it arent any of the originals. Well i DID have two female guppies one died last night and i have just found the other one dead too.... They both were preggers when my dad bought them (unknowingly), then we just had loads of fry, theres not as many as what there were but id say about 10ish (so hard to count!), the guppy fries VARY with age but id say about 3months.. and my molly fry is much older than this probably 5/6months (sorry this is a guestimate!) the female molly passsed a long time back, a month or so after the birth of the mollies.

Parameters are fine, had them checked by my LFS, and i have started to use that tetra easy balance instead of stressing my babies out too much with water changes (got it yesterday and used it yesterday).

My frustration is that my fry seem fine, but why are the adults not? usually if theres a problem then the fry are the first to be affected and go...

we are sort of in the same boat here, iv had some of the symptoms with my honey gourami, only she hasnt died yet, but she is in a bad shape.

im sorry about your losses :rip:

its probably just a bacterial infection if they died so quickly. the fry havent got it so thats good, id recomend buying no more adult fis jsut yet as consentrate on keeping your baby fry alive and then you can pick some you want to keep later on. or you could let the fry out (i prosume there in a breeding trap) and let the existing female mollie have some (i no it sounds cruel, but let nature take its course because you have no room for all those fry when they get bigger.) some may survive. :good:

then get some more hardier fish, im only recomending this as i love a community tank, you could have more barbs, with some other livebearers and maybe some other little bottom dwellers x

good luck x :good:
Thanks, appreciated.

To be fair, i had a hunch they were expecting because of their size, but all the females were on the chubbers side so i thought lets leave it, besides i didnt know how far along they were or when theyd drop so i didnt really want to stress them out by putting them in the net.

There were sooo many fry that i thought theres no way we can keep them all, and like ya said, let nature take its course, i actually believe that they survive better in the tank itself anyway, because the previous batch of mollies wree in a net a slowly one by one they went, the second lot that i wasnt even aware of hid themselves everywhere till they were big enough to loook after themselves, but we only have one molly fry now, but shes like the daddy of the tank even though the guppy frys are catching up to her size.

Nope no more additions! well not just yet! Who knos ill wait til they get bigger, i dont really want to kepp them all if they do survive coz there wont be enough room! These fish are always on heat!!! Im going to just stick to female fishees now, would LOVE some angels but need a bigger tank for that...
I had a clown roach, but ages ago the tank got struck down wth ich and she sadly went...

Thanks alot lil-x-me!
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