Help! Adfs Not Eating And Subsequently Dying


New Member
Sep 25, 2006
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3 of my 4 ADFS stopped eating about 2 weeks after I got them. They got very thin and subsequently 2 died. I had tried handfeeding them in a separate smaller container but they didn't want to know. The one thin one is still alive and reluctantly takes the food but then spits it out. I've tried all the foods he usually likes such as bloodworms, daphnia and frog bites etc. I'm desperately trying to save him but it's a constant battle.
I hope it's not anything I'm doing wrong. The other froggie happily eats and is thriving so it can't be anything in the water
Any help or advice would be gratefully reveived!
Hi madhorse7 :)

It's possible that your frogs were already infected with a disease when you got them. Clean water and nutritious food are a necessity and might have been neglected at some point before you brought them home.

Are they in a tank by themselves, or with fish? Do you do regular water changes, etc.? :unsure:
What sort of set up you have them in i.e. gallons of tank, heating, filtration, other tankmates etc? How long has it been set up?
What sort of set up you have them in i.e. gallons of tank, heating, filtration, other tankmates etc? How long has it been set up?

They are in a 16L with 2 corys. I keep it at 77 degrees Farenheit, it's filtrated and aerated. I have just set up my 60L and they were going to be transferred into that soon. My 16L had been set up for about 5 weeks. Unfortunately the thin froggie I was trying to save died this morning :sad: . That leaves one left, she seems ok and is feeding well. Before I get any additional frogs I want to check I'm doing everything right. As was suggested, I hope the died due to a prior illness before I got them. I would hate to think it was my doing that killed the cute little things
Try Tubifex worms. My frog used to be a very picky eater and had to be coaxed into eating. On a whim I picked up some Tubifex worms (freeze dried and cubed) and I've never seen an ADF wolf down food like that! If possible, try to get some live bloodworms (assuming you've been trying freeze dried or frozen). Good luck; I know very well how difficult these guys can be to feed.
Hi madhorse7 :)

It might be a better idea to keep your little fellow in a container by himself, or with a companion. They really don't need a lot of space. A gallon or two, with a weekly total water change, will do fine, as long as it's covered.

If you can get live worms, so much the better.
Thank you all or your very helpful advice and suggestions but unfortunately yesterday morning I found my beloved froggie dead. I realised with all of them they started going strange during skin shedding, where they would seem to go manic at the surface of the water, float there for ages and then stay close to the heater. They all died after displaying this sort of behaviour.
It's all very perplexing!
you say the tanks been set up 5 weeks, what did you do before you set the tank up? was it fully cycled? if not then this could have been the problem.

in my experience ADF's are tricky buggers to get eating, they really do best kept in a tank by themselves where there is no competition for food. I've never suscessfully kept one in a community set up :/

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