hellp please.


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2004
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hi iv just got some filter flos, i washed it out and put it in my fluval 104 and now the waters all cloudy realy cloudy, iv done a 40 - 50% walter change and its still there but not as bad will thiss hurt the fish at all?? regards alastair
:flex: ♂ Never heard of floss causing cloudiness, especially if it is washed
before putting into filter. With the hardy fish you have, I don't think they are
going to be harmed in any way. Don't know what other media you have in your
filter, but my guess is that the cloudiness will go away after a while. Don't change
too much water. If anything, the floss should make your water even clearer than
normal. Don't know what's going on, but be patient and see what happens. Fish
should be OK.
if it's just regular bulk floss then theres nothing to worry about. my floval 304 does that when I fiddle with the media usually goes away in a day or so. What I've done to help it along is 2 things. First I buy poly pads they're made by coralife called Pure Flo and they come in 50 or 100 micron sizes and they work well you just cut to fit on top of the floss. The other thing is I've changed the orientation of media in the fluval. its actually backwards of what the manual says but works great for me and I know Freshmike who sets his up the same way

so in my media chambers from bottom to top is
floss, poly pad, carbon(optional),bio media(ceramic rings)

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