

Aug 6, 2003
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Uk Nottingham Name:Ben
Im new to fish keeping, my parents said i could hav the responsibility for keeping the fish tank, i need some ideas for fish for my tank, i have 1 to 3 T' Barbs (I know, dangerous, but they are not in the mood for attacking*),1 Bronze corydora,6 Neon Tetras and 1 albino Pleco.

*We found 3 dead a while ago.
Congrats on ur new tank! :D ! Did you cycle your new tank??? If not you have to be careful and really pay attention to ur tank...I got my first tank and didnt let it cycle and ended up having to do 50% h2o changes everyday along with constant monitoring...but luckly none of my friends died :D have fun and enjoy ur tank!!!!
was there any sign of disease or violence?? And I think ur responsible enough to have a tank if u r worried enough to find out what is going on in ur tank....
Hi Sorry to read about your barbs - I have lost 2 in the last few weeks. I do not know why they died, but I'm quite new too! Has your dad done an ammonia test, I once tested my water the nitrite was zero but the ammonia was a little high. Don't worry about anyone thinking you are irrisponsible - someone is testing now!! Good look with the fish :thumbs: cool_jool
hmm not really enough info here to give an opinion...have you tested anything else than nitrite?
Very unlikely that a swimbladder infection killed all 3.

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