New Member
I'm from Germany, 19 years old and have aquariums since 1997.
At the moment, I have got 5 aquariums from 20 up to 240 litres.
My fish are Pterophyllum altum (angelfish), Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma, Pelviachromis pulcher, Trichgaster trichopterus, Ancistrus dolichopterus, Xipophorus helleri 8swordtail) and Poecilia reticulata (guppy, wild and breeding form).
I'm posting in a german message-board about fish since 2 years ( www.aquarium-forum.de ).
This is the first english-speaking board about fish I'm visiting, so I`m using the latin names because I don't know the english names and technical terms yet.
Well, I hope to learn something new here, especially how our hobby is practiced in other countries (if there are any differences ).
I'm from Germany, 19 years old and have aquariums since 1997.
At the moment, I have got 5 aquariums from 20 up to 240 litres.
My fish are Pterophyllum altum (angelfish), Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma, Pelviachromis pulcher, Trichgaster trichopterus, Ancistrus dolichopterus, Xipophorus helleri 8swordtail) and Poecilia reticulata (guppy, wild and breeding form).
I'm posting in a german message-board about fish since 2 years ( www.aquarium-forum.de ).
This is the first english-speaking board about fish I'm visiting, so I`m using the latin names because I don't know the english names and technical terms yet.
Well, I hope to learn something new here, especially how our hobby is practiced in other countries (if there are any differences ).