
I bid you welcome. (Always loved that trademark phrase of Bela Lugosi's). Now tell us about your fish.
A little copy and paste from the cichlid forum
  • Hows it going everyone. So, I've been a hobbyist for about 12 years, I've had a 55, 75 and 125 gallon tank going, usually with semi-aggresive setups, my 55 gallon I usually kept as a Ram tank. My other two tanks I kept everything from barbs, angels, hatchets, loaches etc and ually always kept a red tail shark, (they are truly my favorite). Right before covid I had a breakout of fin rot that I beleive came from a cleaning company that I used that really ran through all 3 of my tanks, then an infistation of Malaysiam trumpet snails that really took so much effort to contain I lost my passion of the last two years. I sold my 55 and 75 and I have completly emptied my 125, and removed all the substrate and am trying again.

Long story long, I really want to center my tank on an electric blue Jack Dempsey. Aside from angels, I've never had any large cichlids before so I really don't know much about what you can and cannot house with them. Obviously I know they are territorial, they will eat smaller fish, but how wil something like a redtail shark do with one? Tiger barbs? Other large cichlids? Is 125 enough room for a jack Dempsey and a firemouth?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

I also use black planted eco substrate, is that too rough for them?
Yeah I'm assuming it's something like an electric blue ram, which are awesome fish
Well, welcome to this forum... :hi:
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

What are the tank dimensions of the 125 gallon aquarium?
I'm assuming about 5 foot long x 2ft wide x 2ft high?

Jack Dempsey cichlids can reach 10-12 inches long and are not peaceful. One adult male will take over a tank that is 6ft long and kill everything else in it.

If you want an electric blue fish, get the electric blue acara. They grow to about 5 inches and are much more peaceful. You can have them with the redtail shark, tiger barbs are probably ok if the barbs are big and the acara is small and grows up with the barbs. Most fish that grow to 3-4 inches will be fine with blue acaras, and you can have plants in the tank.

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