Hello :)


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2016
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Hey guys! I'm quite new to fish keeping so I thought it would be a good idea to join a forum. So far everyone has been friendly and very helpful. I recently got three new Bettas. I've had them before but I really wanted to get into the hobby. If I'm wrong on colors/fins/names, please correct me! Also, sorry the pictures are on the side..
This is Dante my male marbled Halfmoon. I'm interested to see what color he turns into. In this picture he looks black, but sometimes it looks like a blue or green color. Currently he's housed in a divided 10 gallon tank. 

This is Velvet my Cambodian veil tail. At first I thought he was a she because of the wonderful work of Petsmart.. but quickly found out it was a male from some forum members. (Thanks!) Currently he's in a 3.5 gallon. You can't tell in the picture but the outer edge of his fins are a nice blue color.

And lastly this is Topaz my Royal Blue (?) Crowntail. She is in the other half of the divided tank. I took this picture right after I put her in, so that's why she's stressed and showing her lines. She no longer has them!

The two in the divided tank don't pay attention to each other. I have plants blocking the divider also. 
I plan on using another tank for a sorority once I have the money to buy more females. (Went a little crazy buying supplies!) I'm also thinking of buying some live plants to put in all the tanks. Any suggestions?
 Beautiful bettas!  I am relatively new to the tropical freshwater aquarium life.  I have had a veil tail betta similar to Velvet for a little over a year.  Your tank's colors are great also!  Very bright.  I recently invested in marimo moss balls, amazon swords, and anacharis.  They are all hardy and easy to maintain.  The anarcharis will actually float and the amazon swords are easily anchored in the gravel.  The plastic plants can be much too sharp for bettas, specially Velvet with that flowing tail.  I personally suggest no plastic plants because my betta's tail was torn by one like I see in your pics.  I am sure the plant experts on here can suggest other beginner plants as well.  My LFS had the three that I mentioned.  Good luck! 
WesleytheBetta said:
 Beautiful bettas!  I am relatively new to the tropical freshwater aquarium life.  I have had a veil tail betta similar to Velvet for a little over a year.  Your tank's colors are great also!  Very bright.  I recently invested in marimo moss balls, amazon swords, and anacharis.  They are all hardy and easy to maintain.  The anarcharis will actually float and the amazon swords are easily anchored in the gravel.  The plastic plants can be much too sharp for bettas, specially Velvet with that flowing tail.  I personally suggest no plastic plants because my betta's tail was torn by one like I see in your pics.  I am sure the plant experts on here can suggest other beginner plants as well.  My LFS had the three that I mentioned.  Good luck! 
Thanks so much! I was thinking of getting a few silk plants also. I'll have to wait until I get some more money. Went a little crazy when I first shopped for them.. XD

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