

New Member
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
Shropshire, UK
Well hello all!
I have just joined, so thought I'd introduce myself a bit, before the inevitable barrage of questions come your way!

I am relatively new to fishkeeping, have got a 50L setup, and have had it for 12months today (happy birthday Fish!). In total, I have 7 Neon Tetra, 9 Harlequin Rasboras, 4 Black Phantom Tetra, 3 Cherry Shrimp, and an accidental snail (who I have grown to love).

Over the next few weeks I am planning to get a bigger and better setup - most probably a Trigon 190, and would like to try my hand at a planted aquarium.

Anyway, this is me done, just wanted to say hello.

I'm based in Shropshire, UK.

Wow, your setup looks amazing! I am going to have to do some serious research to get anything like that up and running! I've currently got one plant on a lava rock....but we've all got to start somewhere haven't we!

You say you're already looking for a 350L tank....would you say it is worth going straight for a 350, bypassing the 190?
I think its a nice progression from small to medium to large. I went from 35 to 180 to 300 (Rio). But if you know you're gonna end up upgrading anyway, you could skip the 190.

Just remember the cost of plants/fish will be more, and unless you are able to hose waterchange, buckets are not ideal on a 350L tank. Take a browse in the planted aquarium journals...

Glad to see you're not overstocked in your 50L :good: good signs

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