

New Member
Apr 9, 2009
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just thought i would say hello,

i have had an aquastart 320 tank since august last year with
3 black neon tetras
3 glowlight tetras
3 cheery barbs
3 tiger barbs (i think)
and one catfish but really not sure what its called


a week ago i decided to get a bigger tank, so i could keep some more fish and
some bigger plants

I went for a AquaOne 550s 150L tank
AquaOne Advance 1050 External Filter
Hydor External Heater

i have just moved my fish and water across today after letting the tank run for a week with just the plants in it, also i have put my old filter in the new tank.

i have got some mopani wood to put in instead of that rock but i have been soaking it all week and the dye is still leaching out pretty badly, so i guess i will just have bide my time till its ready



i will try and get a picture of my catfish so someone can tell me what it is also am i right in thinking the stripey ones are tiger barbs?

hopefully if all is well in a couple of weeks i will add a few more fish, and maybe some more plants

Thanks, Ross
Hi, i like you're setup alot. The tiger barbs are the stripey ones yes, and if im not mistaken they like to pick on other fish, aswell as each other.

I am new aswell, welcome.
Beautiful tank and fish! Are you sure the ammonias and nitrites are down all the way yet though? I love your tank set up! Good job! :good:
Hi FishBoss :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

I hope to be seeing more of your posts soon. If you post a picture of your catfish, we'll help you identify it. If it is a species of corydoras, you will probably want to get more of them since they are schooling fish. :D
looking good.

as youve got a bigger tank you might want to add a few more of each fish to make them a bit more comfortable
You might want to run some tests on the new tank if you haven't already, if you don't have a liquid based test kit pets at home will do the tests for free if you go in and ask (just make sure you ask for the liquid based one otherwise they might use test strips which are not very accurate).

The tiger barbs can be nipy and believe it or not so can the neons lol, so if you get any bigger centre piece fish you might want ot remove the tiger barbs

looks like a very nice tank that would suite angel fish (a pair) as it has a decent hight on it.

WELCOME TO TFF, hope ot see more of you.

cheers for all the comments,

i have been checking my ammonia and nitrite levels every day and both show zero with a liquid test kit, i did transfer the old water over and the old filter,

i will get a picture of my catfish or plec when i can, not sure what other fish to add, but i think i will add a few more of each to begin with, i do fancy a couple of slightly larger fish but not sure what yet, might go for some angels, i just dont want anything that grows to big as i don't want them looking cramped, still to add my mopani wood yet, but its been in water for over a week and is still leeking die!!

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