

New Member
Jan 18, 2009
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Hello All!

Im new to fish keeping and id like some advice.
Ive got a really small tank at the moment and im looking to buy a much bigger one between 60-100 gallons.I want some advice on which fish i can keep and how many i can keep. Im aware that this number changes with the species and thats where the problem lies. I really like loaches,angelfish and cichlids however im not sure they are compatible on account of them being from different parts of the world. Could some1 please help me chose which fish i should get? This probably seems like a stupid question to ask :crazy:
ive done a bit and i really like loaches,angelfish and cichlids(african and the others), Id love to set up a community tank with a few from each species however thats far from recommended isnt it?
ive done a bit and i really like loaches,angelfish and cichlids(african and the others), Id love to set up a community tank with a few from each species however thats far from recommended isnt it?

When you say your current tank is a bit small, then yes!!... Angels and cichlids are out of the question and you should settle for a few guppies and danios with 5 or six glowlights and/or cardinals.... When you upgrade to your 60/100 gallons,... we can talk cichlids and the like....
ive done a bit and i really like loaches,angelfish and cichlids(african and the others), Id love to set up a community tank with a few from each species however thats far from recommended isnt it?

Not really recommended, but it can work out depending on what you get.

You need to try to be a bit more specific on what you want. EG lots of people like clown loaches, but don't realise that these can get VERY big! Granted, they are pretty slow growers. Or you may like Oscars. in which case you'd def need the 100 Gallon, but couldn't really put that much else in (anything small would just get eaten, anything large would then require a bigger tank due to the bio load, space etc..).

Once you have figured out what type of fish you'd like to keep, they you can work out exactly the size of tank required.
If you can, go for the largest tank possible as this opens up your options.
If you like African Cichlids then you could set up a Malawi tank, stunning fish and great to watch.
If you like Angels and Loaches, there are many other types of fish to go with them eg. Rainbowfish, larger Tetras, Rasboras etc.
As others have said, you need to narrow down what type of fish you like and what type of set up you are aiming for. :good:

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