
Panda Cory

New Member
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Richmond, VA
I'm almost 15 and my family's had fish on and off throughout their lives. I recently got a tank of my own, for the first time, and I'm addicted to it. My favorite fish is the Corydoras panda, as you can tell from my screen name. I want to learn all I can about tropical fish and I hope to get even more tanks in the future, maybe even a 50 gallon. :thumbs:

My current tank is a 20 gallon. I have 6 white clouds, 2 swordtails, 2 khuli loaches, and 1 panda catfish. The white clouds are great. They're very social, although they do nip at any newly introduced fish to the tank. They're also very small which allows for a greater quantity of fish that can be added to the tank.

I've had this tank for about 2 weeks now. After I set it up, I waited about 4 days before introducing any fish. The 6 white clouds were the first batch that I added. Exactly a week later, since all of the white clouds had been doing well, I introduced the swordtails, khulis, and 2 catfish, a panda and some other species that I couldn't figure out. The other catfish died roughly 5 days after being added to the tank. I'm debating whether it was just from old age, or something that I did. My question is, is there any way to tell if a fish is in its last few days? All of the other fish are still alive and kicking.

I'm also trying to figure out if I'll need a separate tank as a quarantine or breeding area. I read somewhere that white clouds wont eat their fry, but I'm not sure about the swordtails and khulis. I also read somewhere that the male swordtails are the ones with the "swordtails", and that the females lacked this feature. Is that correct? If so, how can you tell a female swordtail from any other species?

Lastly, I'm wondering if getting a couple more pandas would be too much for my 20 gallon tank. Would there be a need for so many with the khuli loaches too? An internet source stated that the pandas did better in groups and that 1 panda by itself would not be as happy.

Thanks for your help,
Hi Panda Cory :D

Welcome to the forum :hi: I love your name, by the way. :cool:

Since you've written all this, I'm going to move your thread to the beginners forum where you will get the answers you are looking for. You may want to write just a short thread to introduce yourself in the Newbie forum.

While you are waiting for responses, please read this article about cycling your tank. It is important basic information about starting your aquarium.


And about the pandas, you do definitely need to get a few more. One cory of any kind is a sad and lonely little creature. :sad:

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