

New Member
Dec 4, 2005
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Hello my names Lara and I live in the north west of england. Im pretty much new at tropical fish keeping, I've kept goldfish for years but tropicals are turning out to be a bit harder finding out what goes with what!

I have a small tank at the minute, but I'll be getting a new one about spring time, so far all I have in my tank is Columbian Red Finned Tetras (2 of) so I've got lots of room, this weekend I'll be getting two more tetras and a Hoplo Catfish (coz my little brother likes em!)

Does this sound like a good set up and what other fish can I put with them, after this i'll have room for about 3 more little un's (dont worry ive done my research on how many fish i can fit in) instead off the three I could have a medium sized fish instead, but it would have to be slightly smaller than a silver dollar.

Thank you for any help!

Oh i also have 2 real plants and a tiny snail (but i haven't seen it for days is there any chance it could of been eaten?)

Thanks again

Lara :)
Hello Lara and welcome to the forum. :hi:

I doubt the snail has been eaten by the tetras. They are very good at hiding on the plants and if it's a trumpet snail, they also bore in the sand so you may not see him often.

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