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Aug 26, 2011
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did a google search for a stand for a rio 180 tank that I just impulse bought on ebay and stumbled across here, looks a friendly site so thought would join up and fingers crossed may be some advice here too on my recent....errr....undertaking of fish!!

hello there, my name is Ed, I'm married and live in UK, Derbyshire to be exact, my wife bought me a 3ft fish tank last year for my birthday, of course as things go it took a year to sort out a solid enough cabinet to put the tank on and fill it, we duly have and waited the allotted time and did all the tests to ensure water levels and bacteria at good levels in the tank before put fish in it!

Went to Pets At Home and bought, hmm sorry am not sure, the wife bought them really as she'd had tropicals years ago and chose species she thought would get on quite placidly without too much problems for a starter, my first fish ownership being goldfish!! so I came away with two that begin with G I think (one was blue and one was orange), two molly's (the wife's fav fish app), and two silver sharks which my wife was assured were friendly, they certainly seem laid back!

anyhow disaster of course struck the first timer, the blue G died, in fairness it was on it's side in the bag and am sure it was a defective already on it's way out one or the stress was too much for it even though did acclimatise it for as long as possible!

Gutted about that my wife casually mentioned one of the molly's looked fat, we'd not had a hand in choosing these fish which my wife wasn't happy about as she likes to pick out of the tank not have whatever they grab first and she'd seen this large bellied molly in the tank, she then said 'I'm sure that molly is pregnant and due to have them' I asked her if they were egg's or live birth's and got a blank look...explained that then!! anyway within hours I was at wor and received 'the' phone call 'I'm sat here at YOUR tank with YOUR fish.....looking at 18 baby mollies swimming around...what do I do!!!'

sent her off to pets at home, well she needs something to do right, and she came back with a square net jobbie that keeps the babies away from G who seems to think they may be a snack...though he keeps spitting them out when tries them!

Sadly the day after, the smaller molly, the 'runt' given size of rest in the tank I think died, the levels seem fish friendly on testing so am hoping these babies aren't going to overload my new tank...!! :sad:

so next question is....what do I do, I've got the seperation net and they're on Tetra baby fish food, has anyone reared baby fish, any hints to get them growing nice and healthily and how do you sex mollies!! I'd prefer to seperate them asap and already have friends lining up for babies if they live, am hoping these are 'pets at home' specials, I've been reliably told from a few friends of course after purchase that every fish they've bought from there dies within a week but there you go, bought six and got 22 at the moment!

how old do they have to be before you can rehome them? No idea on what father was but mother is a white with black spots and my wife said she thinks from memory that is a dalmation molly?

oh and to add to it...the wife just impulse bought a juwel rio 180 tank off ebay...course no stand so I've got the job of finding one for a decent price in the UK if anyone knows of anything going, she said she'll make sure none of hers are pregnant this time though!! :hyper:

oh we also breed pigs - the type that turn into pork chops, 5 whippet dogs, 8 ferrets and we also have 49 chickens and the wife has 3 rescue horses too (least I forget!!!) :good: on top of that we both work, me in agricultural and the wife is a residential home carer, we have 3 grown up son's so you can imagine we have very busy lives, somehow we manage to find time for hobbies though, hence the fish being mine as the wife has her horses, I'm thinking mine will hopefully cost less! :D

apologies for the rambling introduction, the wife is going to join herself too, username mrspurp751 - as you can see we're very original! :no: :good:
Hehe that was quite a read!

Right, well, welcome mate. With raising fry (baby fish) water changes and small but frequent amounts of food are good, also foods high in protein help with growth.

The Gs are most probably gouramis? And as you said orange and blue, im guessing dwarf gouramis to be exact. Dalmation molly is accurate of the other description.

I think, i dont breed, but i believe around 3-4months they will be a good size to move on. You can sex them by literally looking at their genitals lol. With mollies look directly under them and the difference is clear to see as the males have something there and the females do not. It looks like a little string on the males. You would be best to put the babies in a small tank of their own to raise them which will make it easier.

Hope this helped
wrong again dippy, I'm purp's long suffering wife sorry guys! :hyper:

and what do you mean least I forget with the neds, you know you love the shire horse towing you around on a leadrope really.....hehe!! :good:

I won't bother doing a full intro as it's on here anyway but I work in residential care, so I have to have a really good sense of humour....otherwise I'd not have married the above *ducks and runs* :nod: :lol:
thanks for the tips there, I've just gone out and bought a used Juwel tank but didn't have a stand with it, don't think will ever live this one down! I in one of my after work dazes didn't realise it was just the tank, got a price from LFS and it cost nigh on as much for a stand as would to get the entire kit!! bit ouch but it needs a stand to go on, think the dogs may get a bit excited if used it on the floor haha! am pondering now on buying a Juwel Lido instead, Ed said keep the other one as a spare but I know full well what'd happen if we kept it as a 'spare'....it'd be full of fish within a year! :lol:
You could build your own or If you happen to know a carpenter, they could knock one up.

Have you checked ebay, gumtree or aquarist classified
thanks to the wonders of google search, I found an ended listing from ebay for a stand, messaged and asked if they'd sold it as got no bids on it and what they'd take, ever the cheeky optimist me!! result...got it for £30, it's brand new! go me! :hyper:

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