Hello! Prepping to be eviscerated!


New Member
May 24, 2021
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Hi all,
I was a tween once and I loved my neon tetras, hatchet fish, silver dollars and platys. The gravel was florescent, the treasure chest bobbed and I thoroughly scrubbed my 10 gallon tanks twice a month so my fishies had the cleanest castle in all the land. Almost 30 years later, I'm amazed they survived my love. I suppose they were just miserable for the duration of their lives. 9 year old me adored them. At the beginning of this panepidemic I bought a 5 gallon tank and a betta named Covid. Covid appeared happy until the day he just died. I have a couple theories on that, but Covid was the beginning of another era of fishy love and tragedy. I blame my boyfriend. He loved Covid, and when Covid passed he wanted another fish, just not a betta. Which meant a bigger tank. Which meant more fish. Which means I am currently cycling a 55 gallon tank for the fish in the 36 gallon tank that were in the 15 gallon tank....in a 4 month period. I have learned so much, then unlearned it, then modified it, then cried myself to sleep for being such a monster. I have 4 molly's, an albino Senegal birchir, one lonely discus, a pictus cat, one pleco that is supposedly going to remain small and 3 mystery snails. I am exhausted and I think I may end up living inside a fish tank. Happy to be here, cheers.
Welcome! This community is such an amazing resource, and try to get that MTS under control! I'm at 10 tanks and counting...it's no joke that it's addictive:)Enjoy the fish life
Wow! The title caught me off guard and I didn't even realise how old this thread was! Welcome though, would love to see your pleco and pictus catfish!
Just like @PlasticGalaxy above, was a little nervous about reading the post but I'm sitting here with the same affliction, and after many years it does not go away. I repeat - It's a chronic issue! The only thing that changes for me is wanting to be home more to enjoy.
I wonder what happened there, in the long run. It figures that if you name a fish Covid and like it, it'd be the only covid that's gone away.
I see mts as an opportunity! This hobby is really fun, so indulge yourself. If you have space, budget and understanding people around you, have your fun.

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