Hello, newbie asking for help please


New Member
Oct 24, 2022
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Hi, I’ve had my tropical fish tank for about 4 years now and have never come across this problem before. Sorry to jump straight for help on my first post but I’d be grateful for some advice please.
I have a Molly fish, I think male, and he’s about 9 months old. This morning I noticed a large red/orange bubble like growth on his underside. It definitely wasn’t there yesterday. He seems to be eating and swimming about just fine, but obviously something isn’t right. What should I do? Grateful for any advice please.
My suggestion is Euthanization. It looks like a prolapsed anus, and a bad one, I have had a fish get this and recover but it was a much smaller occurrence. I found you have to be careful feeding fish a large meal of their favorite foods, for example I limit my feedings with blood worms so that the fish don't eat too much at a time.

To euthanize I dash the fish against a cement floor. It sounds brutal but kills the fish very fast.
My suggestion is Euthanization. It looks like a prolapsed anus, and a bad one, I have had a fish get this and recover but it was a much smaller occurrence. I found you have to be careful feeding fish a large meal of their favorite foods, for example I limit my feedings with blood worms so that the fish don't eat too much at a time.

To euthanize I dash the fish against a cement floor. It sounds brutal but kills the fish very fast.
Thank you for replying. The prolapse is even bigger this evening so I agree it will be kinder. I’ve got clove oil so I’ll use that. I appreciate your advice.
It's sad, but the abdominal wall has failed, and the intestine is out. It's a fish hernia, and I agree with @Uberhoust . There's no saving the fish.
It's sad, but the abdominal wall has failed, and the intestine is out. It's a fish hernia, and I agree with @Uberhoust . There's no saving the fish.
Thank you for replying. We euthanised him earlier. As you say, it’s sad, but better than leaving him to suffer.
Welcome to the forum to start with... :hi:
It definitely looks like a prolapse. Which you sadly can not cure...

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