Hello, I'm new here

Luna Aware Wolf

New Member
Feb 26, 2022
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Hello everyone! My name is Jennifer and I'm so glad to be part of this community and to be in touch with others who are passionate about fish keeping too.

I have had a 120 litre tank for a few years now, though I still feel new to the hobby and that I have much to learn. My tank is home to 10 diamond tetra, 5 otto's and my oldest and grumpiest fish of them all... my 17 year old bristlenose pleco! He's called Gutbucket and he's the one in my profile pic ☺️

Looking forward to seeing all your photos, chatting and learning from the forums too! And here are some pics of my tank through the years.

P. S please ignore the floating plants, my pleco likes to re decorate my tank for me


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Hi and welcome to TFF, Jennifer...
I like the deco in your tank...
Aquascaping is a real art. I do envy those who are able to do that. I'm not that good at it...
Oh my goodness it really is a art form! And same, I get massive tank envy. I love watching the pros doing it on YouTube, so inspiring and relaxing.
Oh my goodness it really is a art form! And same, I get massive tank envy. I love watching the pros doing it on YouTube, so inspiring and relaxing.
And I really enjoy going to my LFS. One of my LFS that I frequent primarily focus on aquascaping and watching the dozen something display tanks is relaxing and beautiful (for the most part).

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