New Member
Hi folks, first time member, lifetime on/off fish keeper. Started 5 decades ago, enjoyed fish so much I wrote my MS thesis on Gambusia, embarrassed to meet amateurs back then who had better setups than I did as an "academic professional". I'm partial to community tanks, have tried a few SA cichlids, been out for several years (algae destroyed my last planted tank), currently cycling a 55g for a tetra community tank with either angelfish, rams or kribs as a focus. Also interested in mbuna, but not right now. Also avid fly fisherman and TU member, and run the Trout in the Classroom program for our local chapter, so I get to play with coldwater tanks as well.
Looking forward to getting back "underwater",
Steve (flowman)
55g community tank w/ Fluval AquaSky, can't wait to add fish...
Looking forward to getting back "underwater",
Steve (flowman)
55g community tank w/ Fluval AquaSky, can't wait to add fish...