Hello, I Am New And Have A Question


New Member
Dec 15, 2005
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Hello, my name is Christina and I am new here. I am thinking about breeding bettas and have a question about feeding the fry. What and when do you feed fry? During their different stages of growth, I mean, so they grow up healthy and happy.

Well first off that breeding bettas is really hard to do and is expensive, but since thats not your question im not going to get into that. Betta fry eat anything bettas eat except in miniture for example they eat: Baby brine shrimp, crushed fish flakes,and some live culture.

-Arrowhead :ninja:
I would advise you not to breed bettas because it is strongly advised for newbies not to breed bettas because they don't know much and think if they stick a male and female together in a tank that thats all you have to do. Usually only people who have kept other fish besides bettas for a long time and have done months and months of research on them and how to do it. Also the people that do it are usually are adults or people that are somewhat rich and can afford the supplys and have the space to have them at there place.
Yeah, Except for ethos, Hes an exception because we've already seen his fry tanks and hes a little spoiled boy... :rolleyes: . JK, but anyways he has everything he needs I mean except for the pair thats supposed to come in the mail today...
He is spoiled. :hey: With all those tanks and the big bedroom. He told me that those bettas that were supposed to come in the mail are already 6 hours late and that he is worried about a DOA.
I've been researching betta breeding fo a couple of years. I had tried it a few times with some success using Wal-Mart and pet store bettas, a long while back. My problem was getting them to grow and I was never really sure why. I figured it must have been how I was feeding them.

It's been a long long while but I'm thinking about trying to breed them again. I've looked up several things about feeding them but was confused as to WHEN to introduce crushed up pellets, bbs, and then bigger worms. I haven't found anything that really tells you.
Usually around four weeks :nod: The key to growing them really well is feed, feed and feed. Keep them full all day long. BBS and Mw's. And also keep your water sparkly clean every day.
Consider yourself lucky if you get them to take dry food any earlier than 5 weeks.

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