Hello From Los Angeles


Mostly New Member
Jun 16, 2013
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Hi everyone!
Just stumbled upon this forum when I started my first tank with tons of problems (where else could I start? It's gotta be the emergency forum).
Thanks to many of you my tank has finally stabilized, even though only 1 fish left from the starting 7 (returned 2, 4 dead
 ). One important thing that I learned there -- Never trust the LFS staff 100%!! I just got to do my own research.
Anyway, sad things put aside, I have learned a lot in the past month or so since I started the tank, and I am planning to start over again PROPERLY this time with a slightly larger tank (20 gallon). Currently I am still researching every single thing I can possibly think of before I start. So I will be asking A LOT of questions and need more of your help. 

Welcome.  You have learned the same lesson as many others here.  Look forward to seeing the thread about the 20. ;)
Hello and welcome to the forum, you will get to know the people very well on here and actually become friends with them over time. :D
I hope your new tank goes well and we are looking forward to hearing about it, keep us posted!
Also, I know it feels to have everything go wrong in your tank, as that happened to me too.
Anyway, I hope you have fun with your tank and enjoy keeping fish :)
Welcome to forum and hope things go well with your new 20gal tank!!!

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