Hello everybody!


New Member
Jan 16, 2023
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Hi guys :))

I've been out of the hobby for a bit, having previously had three Juwel Rio 180 tanks for many years. One had various small Rainbow fish in, one was mainly Tetras and the other was a community tank with all sorts in.
I'm moving house soon and have been wanting to get back into the hobby for a while now, so I have treated myself to a Sea Bray 425 litre tank which will be delivered after we've moved and unpacked! I'm really excited and so looking forwards to setting up a tank again!
I've been wondering about a species tank, maybe Barbs? I've always loved Rainbows, but with the price of leccy spiralling, I'm thinking more along the lines of a temperate tank instead, and would really welcome any tips or advice that anyone can give on what fish, plants, hardscaping etc might be suitable. Unfortunately, as we haven't moved in yet, I don't know what the water paramenters are yet... (don't ask, very stressed atm due to 11th hour questions and surveys being dropped on me on Friday afternoon before we were supposed to exchange today....:-(:-()

Looking forwards to chatting and learning much more about all your fabulous tanks though!


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