Hello....and help!


New Member
Jan 11, 2003
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Hello Everyone!

After 23 years, I've decided to get back into tropical fish keeping! As a teenager, I had numerous aquariums and became pretty knowledgeable on the topic. I never completely got over it, and now would like to get back into it. Problem is, while the fish haven't changed, the equipment has. I'm used to Dynaflo filters (with cotton balls and loose carbon) and steel light hoods. I'm looking to get a 40-45 gallon tank and stand, (with light, filter,heater, etc) for around $400. Can anyone recommend decent hardware (doesn't have to be top-of-the-line) in that price range?

Hi there aqua man and welcome! Most equipment you get now days is good quality. If you want to pick up a cheap tank your best bet is probably 2nd hand - ads paper or ebay.com . I personally used fluval but I think a lot of people regard ehiem as being even better filter. You may want to get an external filter for that tank to maximise the size. Heaters are pretty much run of the mill, all about the same - work on the principle 5 watts for every gallon of water. :)

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