Hy im rik from lancashire uk
It would not be nice asking questions and learning from you folk without saying "hello"
I have been into fish three times in my life and each time I got carried away never content to just have 1 community tank it always goes into overdrive and gets so much that I have to reign it in by leaving the hobby as it takes over my life
This time is different because I am starting a pet supplies shop and have decided to have just a few banks of tanks with a few fish in
I have not opened yet but set the tanks up six months ago and it just looks like any of my fish rooms instead of a organised shop
The tiny angels are massive now and i dont want to sell any as they look fantastic,beautiful black veiltails etc, the kribs have bred in two tanks and the babys are big enough to sell The live bearers are now grand parents and worst of all the albino convicts which i inherited, I did not want them but the owner was going to lose them somewere so I had to take them they were little fry I gave the parents away and before i knew it they grew up and in one tank without me even noticing I had 5 pairs with fry with another 12 singletons in a smallish tank it was a nightmare
I took the non coupled fish out as it world war three in there there was even one pair stealing babys of the others in the end I took 4 pairs out left the babys in and swirled them up to mix them and now the dominant pair is happily looking after 5 sets of babys and every time the others pair up and lay eggs I siphon them off into the electric blue rams in the tank underneath I feel bad but as long as they are eggs I can do it if they become fry I cant
When i open the shop every customer is going to get a free pair of crayfish and a free pair of albino convicts if they want I am even thinking of marketing the lovely albino convicts as "white severums".
The good news is having never bred any egg scatterers I found one little baby danio in my sump filter so thats one more to cross of my list and it has given me a purpose to try a project before I open up my new shop
The project is to get all the egg scatterers into a purpose built breeding tank I have set up with marbles, all at the same time neons, black widows, danios ,giant danios and about 4 other teras and rasboras and see it is possible to breed as many as i can at the same time is it possible? They all seem to breed in the same way , They are well fed on frozen blood worm lots of newly hatched brineschrimp that I have been practising with and all are mature a I am not sure if I might get some of them to breed at the same time but i only have three weeks untill the shop opens and then with boring dog food deliveries etc I might not have time or space I have been starting quite a few inforsoria cultures and have some good microworm ready for when the possible mixed batch get bigger In the next few days I am going to try to sex all the different fish as best as I can, into a mixed male tank and a mixed female tank and leave them for about 4 days seperate and them put them all together in the breeding tank at the same time with a least ten hours in the dark and next day take the cover off Do egg scatterers release pheromones if they do, does different species react?
I will try to post pictures even if it is a dissaster a success to me is even one baby of at least two types (apart from a danio) as I like to keep a tally of different species I have bred over the years
It would not be nice asking questions and learning from you folk without saying "hello"
I have been into fish three times in my life and each time I got carried away never content to just have 1 community tank it always goes into overdrive and gets so much that I have to reign it in by leaving the hobby as it takes over my life
This time is different because I am starting a pet supplies shop and have decided to have just a few banks of tanks with a few fish in
I have not opened yet but set the tanks up six months ago and it just looks like any of my fish rooms instead of a organised shop
The tiny angels are massive now and i dont want to sell any as they look fantastic,beautiful black veiltails etc, the kribs have bred in two tanks and the babys are big enough to sell The live bearers are now grand parents and worst of all the albino convicts which i inherited, I did not want them but the owner was going to lose them somewere so I had to take them they were little fry I gave the parents away and before i knew it they grew up and in one tank without me even noticing I had 5 pairs with fry with another 12 singletons in a smallish tank it was a nightmare
I took the non coupled fish out as it world war three in there there was even one pair stealing babys of the others in the end I took 4 pairs out left the babys in and swirled them up to mix them and now the dominant pair is happily looking after 5 sets of babys and every time the others pair up and lay eggs I siphon them off into the electric blue rams in the tank underneath I feel bad but as long as they are eggs I can do it if they become fry I cant
When i open the shop every customer is going to get a free pair of crayfish and a free pair of albino convicts if they want I am even thinking of marketing the lovely albino convicts as "white severums".
The good news is having never bred any egg scatterers I found one little baby danio in my sump filter so thats one more to cross of my list and it has given me a purpose to try a project before I open up my new shop
The project is to get all the egg scatterers into a purpose built breeding tank I have set up with marbles, all at the same time neons, black widows, danios ,giant danios and about 4 other teras and rasboras and see it is possible to breed as many as i can at the same time is it possible? They all seem to breed in the same way , They are well fed on frozen blood worm lots of newly hatched brineschrimp that I have been practising with and all are mature a I am not sure if I might get some of them to breed at the same time but i only have three weeks untill the shop opens and then with boring dog food deliveries etc I might not have time or space I have been starting quite a few inforsoria cultures and have some good microworm ready for when the possible mixed batch get bigger In the next few days I am going to try to sex all the different fish as best as I can, into a mixed male tank and a mixed female tank and leave them for about 4 days seperate and them put them all together in the breeding tank at the same time with a least ten hours in the dark and next day take the cover off Do egg scatterers release pheromones if they do, does different species react?
I will try to post pictures even if it is a dissaster a success to me is even one baby of at least two types (apart from a danio) as I like to keep a tally of different species I have bred over the years