Hello All

Shady Munky

New Member
Apr 8, 2012
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Hi All,

Just wanted to introduce myself to the community here. My name is Marc. I have had some experience keeping fish in the past, but it has been several years. My brother put me back into the mix about three months ago when he gave me (my kids) a 35 Gal. Hex tank. The tank came with three corys, a bozemani, and a black skirt tetra. Since the tank was established for several years I ignorantly thought I could fill it up and start adding fish. As you can imagine that didn't work out well for us. We went through a lot of loss. The tank was also very unsightly as all of the seams, the silicon had been penetrated by algae. So on a six sided tank, all the seams were pretty much black. I put the remaining, very few, fish into a 10 gal hospital tank and began the process of cleaning and re-sealing the tank. The re-sealing went very well and the tank looked beautiful. I put the tank back together and cycled it. The fish were put back in and cycled for a few more weeks. About a month ago we began adding fish as we hadn't any loss for a couple of weeks. We now have a healthy and happy tank. Since the re-seal and re introduction we haven't lost a single animal. I think we have a nice balance going on, and levels are staying perfect. My tank is the tank that three Cory Doras built. They Made it through all of the trials...but they were the only originals that survived. Sorry for the long winded intro, I just wanted to let you know what was going on. I've used this forum for advice but just now decided to join up. Hopefully I can return the favor or contribute to this community in some small way.

Name: Marc
Tank Type: 35 GAL. Hexagon freshwater with penguin Bio-wheel 200
Sex (Male/Female): Male
Occupation: SW Engineer
Age: 34
Location: Oregon
oh dear wasn't a good start ....but sounds like its turned a corner :)

welcome to TFF

shelagh xxx

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