Hello All!


New Member
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Runnymede, UK
Just wanted to say hello! I'm new to this site (it's totally great here BTW) and I am relatively new to fishkeeping, but am fast becoming addicted :)

I started out with a nasty and very small 5 gallon 'all in one tank' that my daughter got bought for Christmas, and rapidly moved up to a Rekord 70. Planning a bigger move later this year into Marines - once I've learnt a bit more about them.

My latest mission is to make my Rekord into a beautiful planted tank. I'm off to a shaky start :*)


Pretty random at the moment, but I've been really inspired by some of the members tanks on TFF, and have ordered a load more plants to go in next week. I'll be re-doing all the aquascaping etc....any suggestions are appreciated B)

I'm going to paint the tank background black this week as well....busy, busy, busy!
hi :hi: to tff, looks like your doing a great job with ya 70,even better with a few more plants that you will be adding,keep up the good work :) .donna.
Thanks for the welcome Donna :)

I'll start a new thread in the planted tank section next week to keep you updated on my progress, and to recieve any suggestions. Goodness knows I need the help :S

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