Hehe What A Day!


Fish Herder
Aug 6, 2004
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so i finally had a buyer for my 2 polka dot synos, so i decided to bag them up ready for the buyer to come and collected, checked all my fish bags for holes, no leaks great!

As i put one fish in the bag he sort of froze and looked all alert and perky...'great i thought he's fine!', then water started dripping from the bag 'oh no there was a hole after all', or so i thought! i then noticed that the reason the little bugger looked all perky was beacuse he had gone in defence mode and was sticking these razor like spines through the bag popping it! i quickly put the bag back in the tank and he started attacking the bag, headbutting it. so i went to check on the other fish which id baged up and he was doing the same thing! luckily the buyer had bought a bucket with him, so i had to wrestle the fish out the bag into the bucket, i couldnt get one to let go, so he ended up in the bucket in the bag!
I never realised how solid and strong a fish could be, spesh with razor like bones in there fins!

well you learn sumthing new everyday!

sorry if i bored u lol :p
Hi, that was a funny story! Probably quite annoying for you. I have to move my 10" Pleco soon (into larger tank). I am going to be very wary of those spikes! I have also read that some large catfish sort of hiss. That would really freak me out! :lol:
My spotted talking cat does the same if you take him out of the water, and as his names suggests he'll have a full blown conversation with you too!

I have also read that some large catfish sort of hiss

When they were in the tank and squabbling with one and other they made a sort of grunting noise,and hissing, very loud at first i wondered what the heck it was!

My spotted talking cat does the same if you take him out of the water, and as his names suggests he'll have a full blown conversation with you too!

haha, has he said anything interesting lately! :p
:lol: I have a Syno Angelicus (sadly named Angelicus :*) ) and he's wonderful. Thankfully he doesn't hiss or try to kill things. He was bagged up, having gotten several ppl wet in the process but he didn't burst the bag or attack it. Bless. They are a fiesty pair you had there! :lol:
My striped doras are quiet souls. The oldest only ever squeeked when he was first taken out of his tank at the store. Never heard him since. The other hangs out with the cories!! Likes them to sit on her head in the daytime on top of the internal filter. :lol: (And yeah, she has tonnes of hiding places but, well, there ya go.)
I believe catfish can make this noise by grinding their pectoral fin bone in their (shoulder) sockets! Causing a squeaking or grunting sound! I find it a nice party trick to show the in-laws! :hey:


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