
Fish Crazy
Jul 30, 2004
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My friend came to me with a bit of an emergancy with her two fish..

"My two <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="http://www.serverlogic3.com/lm/rtl3.asp?si=24&k=betta%20fish" onmouseover="window.status='betta fish'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">betta fish</a> are in great need of your help.

Fritz and Fronze, were found on the floor this morning, all because my two cats decided to swap their bowls on to the floor, the bowls broke, water was everywhere and the fish.. looked all dry and shrivled, I put them in to two new bowls, with clean water and Fritz seems to being doing well, however Fronze.. doesn't appear to be doing well. Just ran to the store and picked up some stress coat and mela fix .. and added both to both of the bowls... any other suggestions?"

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

I would dillute the melafix for the bettas as a regular dose could be too strong and make the betta even worse. I used a regular dose on my male betta and he started acting lethargic and sank to the bottom of the tank and just sat there. I would also maybe add an air stone that released only like one or two bubbles per second. :thumbs: I would also keep the lights low for awhile. Adding the stress coat should help as well.

Oh and tell her to pick up some lids for her tank. Maybe putting a towel over the bowls will be okay for now. :dunno:
thanks.. that may help for Fritz.. but its been reported that Fronze has passed on.

Help for Fritz is still greatly appreciated...
LadyMacca1 said:
thanks.. that may help for Fritz.. but its been reported that Fronze has passed on.

Help for Fritz is still greatly appreciated...
Sorry to hear about Fronze. :byebye: :rip:

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