

New Member
Oct 14, 2010
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portland oregon
hey guys so in my 72 gallon tank when ever we get new fish we aclimate and watch them for a while to make sure they are doing fine some fish will even last a night or two but all of my fish have died when I wake up in the morning and check on the tank....fish are dead.... I found a rock crab already and got rid of it... but we added a yellow eyed tang and two clownfish....both dead and one i couldnt even find... all of my corals are doing fine,hermit crabs, harlequin shrimp i have a conch snail a sea urchin an anemone areo crab sally light foot crab all were recommendations from a saltwater fish store..... I cant figure out what is happening and im losing alot of money.... getting quiet discouraged and thinking about quiting......I really need help!
Hi, whats your water parameters first of all? And tank size? Im afraid we'll need a bit more details before we can help you. Did the fish have any signs of injury/illness?


EDIT: re-read and saw your tank size :blush
hey guys so in my 72 gallon tank when ever we get new fish we aclimate and watch them for a while to make sure they are doing fine some fish will even last a night or two but all of my fish have died when I wake up in the morning and check on the tank....fish are dead.... I found a rock crab already and got rid of it... but we added a yellow eyed tang and two clownfish....both dead and one i couldnt even find... all of my corals are doing fine,hermit crabs, harlequin shrimp i have a conch snail a sea urchin an anemone areo crab sally light foot crab all were recommendations from a saltwater fish store..... I cant figure out what is happening and im losing alot of money.... getting quiet discouraged and thinking about quiting......I really need help!

ok, lets get to the bottom of this for you :)

we need to know your water stats. NitrAte, NitrIte, pH, Ammonia etc.
also, what filtration do you have? and what other equipment etc.
when you say you are aclimatising your fish, how long for and how are you doing this?
how long have you had the tank setup? what water changes do you do etc?

Let us know and im sure we can sort this out for you :)

EDIT - when you say dead, how exactly? what condition are they in? gills open, mouth open? any obvious injuries?

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