
they are gorgeous, we have 1 little girl from this year who had a lame leg so was not able to be released, yours are both such cuties !
Thanks, they are evry cute, Ramone is 4 and was a late litter, she hadn`t been taught to fend for herself and although she probably might survive in the wild and find her own way we daren`t risk it. This years little one, Rosie, was tginy and had pneumonia. After being nursed back to health he`s out with Ramone in our hedgehog friendly garden.
:wub: They are too gorgeous. Lovely little video. Well done. I love hedgehogs and luckily we have a few around here. Good, there are too many slugs this year so I'm sure they're all gorging themselves on slugs.

We let them get any natural food from the garden but every night they get Spikes hedgehog crunchies, Whiskas cat food, stale cake as a treat, dried mealworms, bran flakes, banana, banana chips and sometimes soreen. We try to vary their diet, coming up to Winter we make sure they get stale cake and things to prepare them for hibernating through the Winter.
they have a lovely house on legs with a ramp upto it, so the damp doesn`t get in and the roof is insulated. it is full of dry leaves and things for them.

It`s great to hear people like hedgehogs, so many think they are vermin, that is so not true!! keeping them in when they are ill then yes, they are very smelly, but we use ridmite flea powder on ours to make sure they never have fleas, and they are friendly and eat pests in the garden.

Really glad you like ours, this will be Rosies first year of hibernating. Oh, and Rosie is a boy, Ramone is a girl, I didn`t know how to sex them when I named them, oops!! now I do but it`s too late to change their names as they both seem to fit them nicely.

Thanks for the nice comments

Rosie when we first got her

Even fitting in her own food bowl!!!

This is their house, aww, first home together

Hedgehogs are very cute critters (can be bloody noisey though :) ). I seem to get loads in my garden so I try to leave some cat food out at night when it starts getting cold. When do they go in to hibination and how long does it last for? (I always knew they hibinated but for some reason have never thought about when and how long :) ).
That`s great that you leave food for them, that can be the difference between surviving the Winter and not. And YEs, they are noisy!!! generally they go into hibernation between October and November, depending on how the weather is, and as for how long, well, basically until Spring but they often wake up during that period and search for food supplies, especially if we have a mild spell.
If you have any log piles full of old leaves, or plant pots turned on their side that provides a great place for them to hibernate, or gaps under the garden shed.
If a hedgehog weighs less than 450g it will not survive the Winter, it will try to hibernate and never wake up again. If you see a small one this time of year, weigh it, if it weighs less than 450 either take it to a rescue centre or you can put it in a plastic tub with some bedding and give it some food every day through the Winter. It won`t hibernate because it is warm in the house and will think it is Summertime. They do smell a lot though and need cleaning out every day, and some food and water, but it`s not that hard if your willing.

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