Heaven has a new angel


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2005
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Last night my cockatiel passed away. She had been sick for more then a few months, I took her to the vets a few times, she was given medicine but none of it helped. :( She was having trouble breathing (wheezing) and had sneezing fits (there was sometimes blood in her snot). She seemed really tired last night, I held her for the whole evening and she slept cuddled up to me. She couldn't stand up so I laid her in a basket lined with a blanket on the bottom of her cage, knowing she wouldn't make it through the night. Poor girl. Heaven now has a white and winged angel. She fits the description perfectley, my baby. I'm sad that I only got to spend 6 months with her (she was 3 years old when I got her) but I'm hoping she enjoyed her life with me, because I know I loved her and still do love her.

oh i'm really sorry, such a pretty bird too. she looked a real character :-(
Thanks, she was the sweetest thing. She didn't really like to be held but when she was calm she would love to have her head patted and scratched.

I have to clean out her cage but I've already cleaned her toys and food/water cups and perches...I cleaned them with hot soapy water, would that be enough to kill any germs? I threw out anything that couldn't be cleaned (like the rope/leather toy) and I buried her favorite rope swing with her. Its just that I know I will eventually get another cockatiel but I would hate to infect it and for it to get sick from Janice.

I also have a question, do any of you bird owners use corn cob? I did with Janice, and I just read on the internet that it isn't reccomended because it can harvest harmful bacteria? I'm thinking this might have contributed to her sickness. There was a grate over the bottom so she couldn't dig around in it...but I just put it in a month ago so she could before.
I am so sorry for your loss, she was a very beautiful bird. I have never kept any birds so can't answer your question with regards to that I'm afraid.

I am sure she had a very happy time with you and I am sure you miss her loads.

I know nothing makes you feel better when you lose a pet so I won't try but I'm sending you hugs anyway. xxx
I'm so sorry about your loss. I know how hard it is. My prayers are with you.
I am so sorry for you and your little bird..I dont know what else to say..I am thinking of you I know it is hard to lose a animal of any kind... :byebye:
I am sorry to hear about your loss. It is hard to lose a pet, no matter how long you have had it. :byebye:
My cockatiel Spudnik just died on wednesday. We had her for seven years. She looks exactly like yours. I miss her terribly. I know exactly what you're going through, but it sounds like Janice had a more peaceful death than Spudnik.


:rip: Janice and Spudnik <3

I still have her cage in my room, empty except for her perches and her cuddlebone. I like to cover it at night even though I know when I uncover it she won't be there.
I'm so sorry to hear that Lexie, she was very beautiful. Atleast I know I'm not going through this alone.

Angry_Platy, I was talking about the dried corn-cob (its really hard and not edible) that you buy as bedding for small animal cages. ;) But thats ok, LoL. I was told by a petstore owner that when a bird is hungry they can eat it, I later looked that up on the internet and found out that if they do ingest it, it will expand in their stomach and kill them! :huh: Thats just wrong, telling me that birds will eat it. :no:
My thoughts and prayers are with you. At least she had a good life and a good home when she was with you. From the sounds of things you did everything you could, so don't blame yourself although I know it's easy to do. She's in a better place now and watching over you.
It is so sad when a dear friend moves on though, I do feel for you. xxxxxxx
MegTheFish said:
Thanks, she was the sweetest thing. She didn't really like to be held but when she was calm she would love to have her head patted and scratched.

I have to clean out her cage but I've already cleaned her toys and food/water cups and perches...I cleaned them with hot soapy water, would that be enough to kill any germs? I threw out anything that couldn't be cleaned (like the rope/leather toy) and I buried her favorite rope swing with her. Its just that I know I will eventually get another cockatiel but I would hate to infect it and for it to get sick from Janice.

I also have a question, do any of you bird owners use corn cob? I did with Janice, and I just read on the internet that it isn't reccomended because it can harvest harmful bacteria? I'm thinking this might have contributed to her sickness. There was a grate over the bottom so she couldn't dig around in it...but I just put it in a month ago so she could before.

Once youve washed it all, spray with animal disinfectant.
I used to breed cockatiels, i used to feed mine millet spray on top of normal parakeet mix. Never feed and human food inc fruit and veg, unless the skins could be removed and/or washed.

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