Heatter Gone Bad


Fish Herder
Dec 27, 2007
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I woke up this morning to a horriable screaching noise, would go for a few seconds then stop for a while. I finaly figured out it was comming from the tanks, and not inside the walls. Unplugged all heaters hoods and filters, then plugged each back in one at a time and waited...

and its one of my brand new heaters, the one set up in my spawn tank (decided to condition Tweek in the spawn tank and let him have all the extra space) every time the heater turns on to heat the tank it screachs LOUD.

so now Tweek is back in his 2 gallon flirting with the girls in the 10 gallon beside him.

this means another trip to the fish store.

boo...I had yard work to do today.
What a pain.......I bet you thought you had mice or something :blink: I would of put any noise down to filter. Never realised heaters could make a noise :crazy:
US-pa-near lebanon

the thing is the heater is only days old, I have its box and recipet, and I am taking it right back as soon as my husband gets home with the car.

soundling like mice would have been quite nice, this was horriable...I worked at a nursery and somebody ran over a nest of baby bunnies with a mower by accident...

it sounded like that, not the way you wanna wake up in the morning.

thinking now, I am so glad it didnt cook or shock my fav fish over night.
shame i have a spare one that i could have posted to u, was a 50w, and has always worked well for me
I kept hearing a loud "clink" noise coming from my tank and it was freaking me out as it sounded like glass cracking. Many days I crawled around the tank and opened the doors and peered at the bottom. I finally figured out it is the heater shutting on and off :blush:
I kept hearing a loud "clink" noise coming from my tank and it was freaking me out as it sounded like glass cracking. Many days I crawled around the tank and opened the doors and peered at the bottom. I finally figured out it is the heater shutting on and off :blush:

mine clicks too. my betta livingston will actually stare at the little light in it. i think he is in love with the heater because he is always around it. the clicking freaked me out.
The one for my ten gallon makes a low humming that can get pretty annoying when you are trying to sleep. Though only when it shuts on and off. It has gotten better over the past couple months though. I was going to bring mine back too. I though it was going to blow up in the beginning or something.

That's too bad yours is so loud... :crazy:
I kept hearing a loud "clink" noise coming from my tank and it was freaking me out as it sounded like glass cracking. Many days I crawled around the tank and opened the doors and peered at the bottom. I finally figured out it is the heater shutting on and off :blush:

mine clicks too. my betta livingston will actually stare at the little light in it. i think he is in love with the heater because he is always around it. the clicking freaked me out.

Mine doesn't have any light so I never even know if it is working. My Severum (avatar) likes to jump out of the water and bite the cord ! Makes a loud pop noise that will make you jump. Only thing I can figure is food collects on it. LOL....luckily it is a really thick cord. He's a piggie.

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