Heating Small Portions Of Water


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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I figured out a way to heat up my unfavorable living conditions!

Lizard mats that adhere to glass. I put a lizard mat on a pane of glass, and then put the glass under the vase, and monitered the heat over a period of 3 days. Conditions were stable, 72.

While not ideal, it's far better than the 64 that it was hanging at.

I just wanted to let you all know about my tiny victory over extenuating circumstances.
It's hard to compare, really, as they're $26 locally. I imagine they're around half as much, mainland USA.

*checks petco*

Petco Yeah, it's like, half as much on the mainland. 17.00 USD for what I purchased. If you decide to attempt this, please please please make sure you test it over a period of at least 1-2 days, because I'd hate to have the guilt of boiled bettas on my head. :crazy:
How much water were you trying to heat?

Those Jr. Heaters they sell at Walmart keeps 3 gallons at a stable/steady 79 degrees F.

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