Ime, heaters are one thing you really can't get away with 'cheaping out' on. Cheap heaters don't control the temp as accurately, tend to stop working before they're very old, and have a nasty habit of getting 'stuck' on and boiling all your fishies. I totally agree with the '2 heaters instead of 1' rule. 150 watts of heat for a tank your size is more than enough to poach your fish if something goes wrong.
Also, I'm wondering if you let the heater acclimatize to the water before plugging it in when you set it up? This is important, or else you can blow the heating element. Also, as Jeff said, taking it out of the water when it's hot runs a high risk of cracking it.
Despite all this, most heaters recommend 24 hours to allow them to get the water up to the desired temp, so I wouldn't freak out until tomorrow.