Heating A 29l Tank....too Big A Heater


New Member
May 19, 2009
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Hi, I have recently split a tank to give a 29l breeding tank. Would a 50watt heater be too powerful a heater? What would the issues with using too powerful a heater?? Cheers
can u have a too powerful heater??
does it matter?
in theory you can have a too powerful heater in the sence if it malfunctions and starts the heat the tank to higher temperatures, the time it takes for the fish to boil is much less than if you had a lower wattage heater, but when i get my new tank i am going to have a much more powerful heater, due to external filter hose dimensions, but for this purpose i think your 50w will be fine, unless you can get a 25w anywhere
If your heater malfunctions your fish are going to fry one way or the other, the only difference is that it'll happen quicker.

50w for that size tank will be fine.
You may have problems with it heating the water up to much, even when the thermo cuts off the heater has to cool down still warming the water as it's doing so... causing constant temperature fluctuations which will cause your fish to be stressed and eventually a possible lead to diseases. 25 watt heater would be much better and safer on the fish.
u can get a 25W from ebay, The manufacturer is "superfish" Ive had a 25W and 100W superfish heaters in both my tanks and they are fantastically accurate. When set to 25 they hold 25 religiously

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