Heathly Looking Red Severum Not Eating


New Member
Jul 11, 2007
Reaction score
Montreal, Qc, Canada
I really don't know what to make of this, so I'm hoping somebody will
have an idea.

Three days ago my 7-inch red severum stopped eating. Aside from that, he
seems completely fine: he isn't lethargic, he still chases the other
fishes around (he's definately the alpha in the tank), and even
assaults the bogwood (yes, he always did that). He doesn't have any
visible sign of parasites. He doesn't get scared at all if I approach,
but as soon as I drop food he rushes to the other side of the tank,
stays in the plants, and waits for the other fishes to be done eating
before coming out again.

I don't think he's going completely without food: I've seen him take
his usual bite out of plants, once or twice, and I think I've seen him
eat a left-over pellet that had sunk to the bottom. But he completely
refuses to eat anything when I put it in the tank.

No other fish exhibits any signs of disease, and the water paramaters
are all fine (amm oppm, nit 0ppm, nitrate 10ppm).

The only recent changes were the addition of a second canister filter,
and, perhaps more telling, my replacing the old flake food with
Tetra's cichlid pellets (which I feed in combination with colour bits,
as I always did the flakes). I also regularly feed fresh veggies,
brine shrimp and blood worms. Now, he did eat of the new food the
first time I fed it, and admittedly he wasn't super enthusiastic about
it (unlike every other fish in the tank). But since then he hasn't
eaten anyting at all I've fed him, including foods that he knows and
loves. Surely the new pellets didn't disgust him *that* much!?

Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong with him??
Is there a female severum in the tank? When protecting eggs/fry, cichlids often don't eat.
Is there a female severum in the tank? When protecting eggs/fry, cichlids often don't eat.

Yes, there's a female in the tank, but I doubt that's it. They've
never showed any interest in each other, and the male isn't guarding
any specific territory. He just goes about his usual business, except
when comes time to eat, and only then does he go hide for a while in
the plants.

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