

New Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Hey All :blush:

With spring and summer coming up, I am thinking of getting a heater for my betta's tank. I want to be able to keep my betta happy while also keeping myself cool. Right now my apartment is about 75, with the tank temp about 76-78. Obviously I can't keep my apartment that high during the summer. Any suggestions on heaters for 1.5 gallon tanks? The tank isn't filtered.

Thanks all!
quick thing, and please dont take this the wrong way, but why is he in something that small?

I was told nothing smaller than 2gallons, even then the bigger the better
No worries...

:unsure: Not sure really. It's my first betta, and the tank seemed to be a good size. He seems pretty happy. It also seems like the local pet stores around here only have either 1 or 1.5 gallon tanks or absurdly big tanks.
i know shops keep em in small tanks, but my advice to you would be get something bigger :good:
i myself have my male betta in a 1 gallon tank and hes as happy as came be.. he's been blowing bubble nests as if its going out of style.... however, he will be moving into a divided ten gallon with his brothers soon...

ive heard many testimonials of people keepin a betta in a one gallon tank.. however, thats the minimum for anything long term...

finding a heater for a 1.5 gallon tank would be hard... because the tank is so small... a specialty fish store around here has low watt heaters but they wouldnt even recommend them for a 1.5 gallon tank...
Yeah, he seems really happy in the 1.5 gal. I came home last night and there was a monster bubble nest. :hyper: He hasn't had any issues from what it seems. Other than some fin rot which I am trying to treat right now. He flips out and gets all happy when someone approaches the tank :shout: . It's pretty funny, and he eats like a pig.

Hmmm, well I am going to check around and see if i can find a low watt heater. I was just thinking down the road when the weather gets warm here, I don't want to keep the apartment really hot. :blush: Upgrading the tank seems to be the best case based on what you guys are telling me. I have only had him for about two weeks. Originally I had him in a little 1 gal that I bought with some gravel, etc. Last week, he moved to the 1.5 gal. Which must seem like a mansion to him given what he was bought in. Those little containers must be brutal.
What about a heat mat for under the tank. I've never used them myself but I've heard of people using them successfully.
Yeah, he seems really happy in the 1.5 gal. I came home last night and there was a monster bubble nest. :hyper: He hasn't had any issues from what it seems. Other than some fin rot which I am trying to treat right now. He flips out and gets all happy when someone approaches the tank :shout: . It's pretty funny, and he eats like a pig.

Hmmm, well I am going to check around and see if i can find a low watt heater. I was just thinking down the road when the weather gets warm here, I don't want to keep the apartment really hot. :blush: Upgrading the tank seems to be the best case based on what you guys are telling me. I have only had him for about two weeks. Originally I had him in a little 1 gal that I bought with some gravel, etc. Last week, he moved to the 1.5 gal. Which must seem like a mansion to him given what he was bought in. Those little containers must be brutal.

i just feel that 1.5 gallon just isnt enough, he'd probs like the bigger space

im probs gonna get jumped on for this but hey, it seems most of the people who post about their ill bettas seem to keep them in small tanks eg 2gallons

small quantities of water are harder to look after and go off quicker, and its easier to get nasty infections etc

it just seems odd that most ill betta's are in small tanks (2gallons and under)
Yeah, he seems really happy in the 1.5 gal. I came home last night and there was a monster bubble nest. :hyper: He hasn't had any issues from what it seems. Other than some fin rot which I am trying to treat right now. He flips out and gets all happy when someone approaches the tank :shout: . It's pretty funny, and he eats like a pig.

Hmmm, well I am going to check around and see if i can find a low watt heater. I was just thinking down the road when the weather gets warm here, I don't want to keep the apartment really hot. :blush: Upgrading the tank seems to be the best case based on what you guys are telling me. I have only had him for about two weeks. Originally I had him in a little 1 gal that I bought with some gravel, etc. Last week, he moved to the 1.5 gal. Which must seem like a mansion to him given what he was bought in. Those little containers must be brutal.

yes upgrading you tank would make him even happier.. hed love the extra space.. and then you would have no problem finding a heater for him... i myself would buy him his own 5 gallon and buy a small heater that heats 5-15 gallons.. im pretty sure he'd make a bigger bubble nest then!!

Yeah, he seems really happy in the 1.5 gal. I came home last night and there was a monster bubble nest. :hyper: He hasn't had any issues from what it seems. Other than some fin rot which I am trying to treat right now. He flips out and gets all happy when someone approaches the tank :shout: . It's pretty funny, and he eats like a pig.

Hmmm, well I am going to check around and see if i can find a low watt heater. I was just thinking down the road when the weather gets warm here, I don't want to keep the apartment really hot. :blush: Upgrading the tank seems to be the best case based on what you guys are telling me. I have only had him for about two weeks. Originally I had him in a little 1 gal that I bought with some gravel, etc. Last week, he moved to the 1.5 gal. Which must seem like a mansion to him given what he was bought in. Those little containers must be brutal.

i just feel that 1.5 gallon just isnt enough, he'd probs like the bigger space

im probs gonna get jumped on for this but hey, it seems most of the people who post about their ill bettas seem to keep them in small tanks eg 2gallons

small quantities of water are harder to look after and go off quicker, and its easier to get nasty infections etc

it just seems odd that most ill betta's are in small tanks (2gallons and under)

everyone has their own opinion....

but all my bettas in small tanks are positively happy .. i do frequent water changes to keep the water condition in good looks .. i dont change then as i change my 30, two 10s, and 55 gallon tank because their so small.. but nonetheless... sometimes what you say is true.. the smaller the tank the harder it is to take care of the water so they do get sick quicker.. but as long as you look after it well you should be fine...

but hey.. i cant knock you 4 ur own opinion... :)
You are going to struggle to find a heater for that size tank, I'm afraid.
I agree with Phoenix, you would be best buying him a bigger tank of at least 4-5G. He'll appreciate the space and heating/filtering the tank won't be so much of a problem. :good:
even with great care of a small tank 2gallons and under, ive browsed thru some things on here and other forums, and theres a lot of people with all kinds of illness with their betta's, where as those with bigger tanks seldom have health issues

my ct is in a 4gallon, its heated and filtered, and planted too and he loves it

id deffo say get something bigger :good:

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