Heaters for small (1 gal) tanks


New Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Just went to Petco looking for a heater, and the smallest one they had is too big for my tank. any recommendations on what is a good heater for a 1 gallon, triangle-shaped tank? like to keep temperature between 78-82 degrees...

Thanks in advance for any help.

looking for brands/shapes, etc.
heating a tank that small is dangerous. If you want to keep the water warm, keep the tank in a room with regular temperatures. The fish can survive just fine in room temperature (72 degrees farenheit) water. If you really want a heated tank, you are going to need something bigger.
That's what I thought, too... but in reading about preventing ick and other parasites, they say to keep the water heated at that level, and I can't seem to get it that high without leaving the lamp on all day. Is it dangerous to leave my betta under that much light all day?

Sorry for the silly q's, but I am a newbie trying to make sure my boys are well-cared for.

My boys are in one gallon, unheated, unlighted tanks. I keep up bi weekly water changes, scrub the decos, and keep them in my room, where the water stays a consistant 72 degrees. I have never had a problem.

EDIT: If parasites are a problem, there are topical remedies for these availile at your LFS. If you are worried, pick some of these up and have them on hand. Melafix is good to have around for life's little emergencies.
I'll change the frequency of the water changes from once to 2x a week... hopefully that will help. Thanks for the tips, Orky...


I picked up some QuICK Cure treatment at the store, too -- an ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure, right? ;)
Any time. the best way to keep your betta boys happy is a varied diet. A range of frozen, dried and live foods, fed in small ammounts, will boost the fish;s immune system, provide a range of vitamins, and make him happier.
walmart sells 7 watt heaters called junior heaters for like $7. there is no temperature control, so make sure you use a thermometer to monitor it. they say that they are for 2-5 gallon tanks only. bu i use them in my 1 gal aquaviews and they bring the temp to 80 F from 71F (room temp). i haven't had any problems with them!
hmm, newfishies I've never heard of those. I'll have to take a look. I'd be pretty afraid of those in my tank though, since I've heard horror stories of exploding tanks.
I wouldn't reccomend them. I had one in Batista's 2 gal in my bedroom and had to keep constantly pulling the plug because it would go over 82. (The instructions state to unplug heater if it goes up to 82.) There was no way my bedroom was over 75 degrees to start with, so they don't really work well.
Can he leave the lamp on all day? (I have a triangle aquaview too, and have wondered the same question!) I haven't measured the temperature, but the lamp seems to heat the water somewhat to a warm (not hot) temperature. Do bettas need the lamps turned off to sleep?

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