

New Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Hi. I have inherited a tank (48 x 18 x 12 inches) making the volume 170 litres/37gallons?

With it I also inherited a Fluval 4 Pump ran by its own mains, and a sera air pump, heater and lighting all run off an Algarde Power Centre. Unfortunately during the transition the heater smashed.

Just wondered what power heater I would need to heat my tank, also is it straight forward to switch the heaters around on the Algarde Power Centre?

Sorry if it sounds like stupid questions!

Hope you can help, thanks.
The heater size depends a lot on the temperature in the air around the tank and the temperature you want to hold. If the difference is no more than about 8C, a simple 150 watt heater should be enough. If you have fish that like lower temperatures, as many of mine do, I don't even use a heater for them. If you keep fish that like things hot, for instance the way a discus might, you will need a larger heater to overcome the big temperature difference.

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