Heater turns itself off


Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
"Why Utah?!"
I just recently discovered my heater for my 10 gal clicks off when it reaches the temp I set it at. And the water gets cool (not cold, but not warm anymore) before it turns back on. Good saftey feature so as not to rost fish, but... bad for breeding?
Your heater should stay at a constant temperature, so it's odd that it lets the temperature drop below what is set in/on the thermostat before kicking in again. Usually, the heater will turn off as soon as the water temperature rises above the set number, and will turn on again as soon as the water drops below the set number.

Do you have a thermometer on your tank? Try to see the temperatures at which your heater turns off and on. If it's within a few degrees, there shouldn't be a problem.
My heater clicks off once it reaches the temp I have it set at...but it clicks back on once the temp starts going back down. Mine stays pretty constant.

I'd say if yours is letting the water get colder then a couple degrees...it's time to replace the heater imo.

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