Heater Trouble


New Member
Nov 23, 2008
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Sorry, not actually fish, but aquarium nonetheless.

I had to take down my turtle tank yesterday to deal with an infestation of little bugs. While it was down and I was cleaning it up, I noticed that my submersible heater had a lot of calcium build up on it, particularly at the bottom and on the rubber end. I decided o soak it in vinegar for the a few hours to get it off. It worked, it is now clean, but when I rinsed it I noticed the rubber was very sticky, and smelled of vinegar no matter how much I rinsed. I did not put it back n the tank, but now I wonder - should I use it or not? Anyone have this happen? Or have any thoughts on what I should do?

i'm pretty sure vinegar would be safe as somme people clean their tansk with it but i'm not sure how well turtles support it...

perhaps get a new heater if it is stained.

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