Heater question


Fish Herder
Jan 30, 2004
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I have a 33 gallon US tank and a 150W heater and I was wondering If this is good enough. I recenltly adjust it to heat up the tank around 30 C but It's still at 28 C and I set it on last night. I don't know whether my heater is not good enough or the fact that It gets chilly at my place at night. Do i need a better heater?
Okay that's good to hear. And how long does it take to reach the temp it is set on?
I agree that the wattage is OK for your tank. I'd think your heater should've raised the temp up to its target by now. Is the pilot light still on? If it's off, (or it's going on and off), that means it reached its target. If your thermometer is always showing 28C, then either the thermometer is off, or the dial on the heater is off.
The pilot light is going on and off and the thermometer is still reading 28 C and dial is set right at 30 C. Hey Mike do you think my thermometer is off or the heater?
I'd be more inclined not to trust the setting on the heater itself mate. these can sometimes be inaccurate as, after all, it's only a dial on the switch. I'd just slightly increase it again and monitor temp until you get it right. Another factor to consider is the positioning of your heater. It's best to have it situated horizontally in the tank as when postion upright in the tank the built in thermo can be directly in the up current of warm water heated by the element of the heater and it thinks it at 30C when in fact the rest of the tank is only reading 28C from your thermometer at the other end of the tank..

Just some things to consider..

Hope i've been of some help

I bought one of the heaters you have to play with (Penn Plax or whatever its called) and had nothing but hassle from it. Buy one where you can set the temperature that you can see on the thermometer. I have Visi Therms by Marineland which I set on the fist day I got them and never had to touch them. If you live in the States, DrsFosterSmith.com has grat prices. :D
It's almost at 30 C now and this heater has always been constant before, but Its the first time I have to really bump it up as I just got Discus and they like their water warm. Anyways I don't think I could place it vertically as instruction says that the waterline shouldn't be submerge in water so I guess you need a different kind of heater to do that. I don't want to ignore safety procedure on my equipment..
bulldog188 said:
I'd be more inclined not to trust the setting on the heater itself mate. these can sometimes be inaccurate as, after all, it's only a dial on the switch.
Thermometers can be inaccurate as well. I would say it's safer to first verify the accuracy of the thermometer. If my calcs are right, the difference between 28 and 30 is the equivalent of almost 4 degrees F. I wouldn't want to assume my thermometer is right and cause that much of a temperature difference!

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