Heater Question


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:/ Will a heater affect cycling a new tanK? I plan to get one, but it'll take a while to ship so I want to start my fishless cycle as soon as possible. Since I'm going shopping today for a filter and a ton of bags of gravel, the pet store doesn't carry the brand of heater I'll be looking for. I want to organize my new aquarium soon and plan out the structure of the design. If the heater does affect the tank cycle, I'll just have to wait. I need the advice. :huh:
I don't think it will matter. When I got my 10 gallon tank a long time ago, I had to wait to get a heater too and it didn't affect the cycling or, later on, the fish.
The tank will cycle without a heater, as well, but it may take longer.
Hi Sasha :)

Setting up a new tank is so much fun that I can understand why you don't want to wait! So don't. Order your heater and set up your tank. It will cycle without one.

If you were keeping cold water fish, such as goldfish, it would cycle at a lower temperature, so unless it's very cold, I don't think you will have any problems. :D
:D Thank you for the advice. I decided to buy the flter and heater together on a website because at the store it was too expensive. The website sells it for half the price, so I figured it was easier to just get them bother at the same time.

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